Red Tent Coaching

Welcome! I am so glad you are here.

Red Tents have always been spaces of intentional co-creation. Spaces for women to share, to rest, and to be nourished deeply by connection. Connection to one another, to the Earth and all of its inhabitants, and to the Great Spirit woven and dancing through us all. ✨

May this Tent be a sacred space for us to remember, to resource and to reclaim TOGETHER. Come on in!…


Current Offerings

1:1 Coaching


Sister Circle


Details coming soon!

1:1 Coaching



Seeking women who are ready to:

✨ Create supportive and therapeutic daily

✨ Live in alignment with your big “T” truths and your most deeply held values

✨ Alchemize obstacles into opportunities for healing and growth

✨ Adopt empowered decision making and healthy boundary practices

✨ Embody your Divine Masculine and Feminine - so you may live and relate from your own wholeness and magic

✨Initiate deep healing and transformation journeys



It is my honor to be a witness and resource to you on your journey of transformation.

Click below for Red Tent Client Testimonials

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